On Tuesday, August 22, the Sampson Community College (SCC) Foundation met for their annual meeting to usher in the 2023-24 fundraising season. The meeting reflected on the growth of the Foundation over the past year and marked many positive changes coming, including the welcoming of four new leaders.
The primary purpose of the Foundation is to cultivate a broad base of community support for the college and seek external funds through the private sector to support the college mission. Gifts to the Foundation fund student scholarships and support staff and student programs. The Foundation promotes the College through community outreach and public relations. The Foundation Board members represent the business and civic leadership of the county and serve as bridge to the community interests.
During the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the Foundation was able to increase their yearly revenues by $1,758,472 from the previous fiscal period. This is largely in part due to numerous endowed scholarship contributions, investments, grant awards, planned gifts, and gifts in-kind from the Foundation’s dedicated sponsors, partners, and donors.
Thanks to the generosity shown during the 2022-23 fiscal year, the Foundation was able to award $190,000 through 100 different scholarships to more than 125 deserving students during the 2022-2023 academic year.
With grants received from the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation’s PromesaSM program, Pizza Inn of Clinton, and the generous donors of the Westbrook and Tart families, the SCC Foundation was also able to establish three new scholarships: The Promesa Scholarship, Pizza Inn-tegrity Scholarship, and the Westbrook-Tart Nursing Fund Scholarship. Their purpose is to assist students in covering the cost of tuition, books, and supplies needed to further their education at the College.
The upcoming year will also bring about numerous changes in leadership, with the Foundation bidding farewell to three beloved directors: Lynn Freeman-Sankey, Deborah Hall, and Ginger Stone.
Amidst their departures, the Foundation has elected four new members to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors, which may be extended, beginning in August 2023: Nick Autry, Nichole Maroschak, Adrian Matthews, and Jimmy Moore.

According to Lisa Turlington, Executive Director of the Foundation & Dean of Advancement, each of the new directors brings special expertise and unique viewpoints to the Board, which will aid in the continual growth of the Foundation, presence in the community, and overall success of students at SCC.
She anticipated, “I am excited to work with the new Directors of the Foundation Board in advocating for the College and fundraising for support for affordable training and education. They all bring different perspectives to the board and will help the College better serve our communities. I am proud of the work our Foundation Board does on behalf of the College, and I am certain these four new directors will be great additions.”
Autry is a longtime resident of Sampson County and has daily interactions with a broad cross-section of the community in his role as General Sales Manager at Performance Ford in Clinton. Turlington explained how, in his work, he first-handedly witnesses many of the workforce skills needed to fill jobs in the local economy.
Market Executive at First Citizens Bank, Maroschak also has deep roots in western Sampson County. During her service term with the Foundation, Turlington foresees Maroschak bringing additional finance and banking expertise to the Board.
“I am excited to be a part of giving individuals in our community the opportunity to invest in their future success,” Maroschak remarked. Through the SCC Foundation, my hopes are to continue expanding our outreach so that we can continue to enhance the lives of the people in Sampson County.”
Matthews is the current Assistant Police Chief for the City of Clinton. With Basic Law Enforcement Training being a vital program at the College, Turlington believes that Matthews’ role will lend another public service perspective to Foundation leadership.
The last of the new directors, Moore currently serves as Mayor of Harrells and is a life-long resident of the county. Turlington stated that the SCC serves all of Sampson, so Moore will greatly assist in bringing the southern voice to the Foundation Board.
“The Foundation’s Annual Meeting gives us a moment to pause and recognize our outgoing directors for their years of service and many accomplishments, while at the same time welcoming new directors,” mentioned Bill Fulton, President of the SCC Foundation. “The beginning of a new Foundation year also brings a welcome to four new directors, who were selected and approved by the current board membership. All four of these new directors have already make their mark in their professional and community endeavors, so we are honored that they are willing to share some of their precious and in-demand time and talents with the Foundation.”
Dr. Bill Starling, President of SCC, echoed, “We are excited to welcome these four new directors who bring energy and support for SCC and the opportunities the College offers for Sampson County.”
As the Foundation begins its new fiscal period, it looks back on 2022-2023 with immense gratitude. SCC is excited to welcome new changes in leadership and thanks its departing directors for their years of service. The Foundation is looking forward to continuing the success brought about by 2022-2023 for the new fiscal year ahead.
For more information about the SCC Foundation or how to become involved, visit www.sampsoncc.edu/foundation
About Sampson Community College: Sampson Community College is a member of the North Carolina Community College System, located in Clinton, NC in Sampson County. The college offers many programs to include two-year degrees, college transfer, continuing education and workforce development options and early college education. SCC is committed to the principles of equal educational and employment opportunities for all.